About Us
"Believe to achieve the luxury"
Omór (Omór London), was planned in early 2021. At Omór, we want to solve the biggest issues concerning our customers wants and needs. It took courage, and perseverance to create the Omór we know today, and our customers won’t be disappointed!
"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill
Omór provides the most affordable, and highest quality fashion in the industry. We aim to make our products available to as many people as possible.
Our Mission
All our staff & manufacturers are encouraged to deliver immaculate customer service. To ensure this is smooth, we train staff frequently. As our goal is to be a well-established known fashion brand. Although we can’t meet everyone’s assumptions; tell us what we did wrong, and we'll do better next time!
Thank you for purchasing if you acquired products from the store, and we hope you come again another day <3 .
- Omór London